
Sunday, 26 October 2014

Insider Threats: Breaching The Human Barrier

By Christopher Hadnagy, Dark Reading

A company can spend all the money it has on technical solutions to protect the perimeter and still not prevent the attack that comes from within.

According to the “CERT: Common Sense Guide to Prevention and Detection of Insider Threats,” 65% of all IT sabotage attacks are non technical and 84% of all attacks for financial gain were also non-technical. One call, that’s all. If organizations are unable to keep their own data safe, how can we as customers expect them to keep our data safe?

I see this highlighted daily in the work we do for clients. In a single 10-minute phone call to an enterprise chain store, a non-technical employee can provide my team with enough data to execute a virtual attack or onsite impersonation. The one vector that seems to always work is another insider, a fellow employee. Insiders are automatically trusted and automatically given answers to things that an outsider would never get. Therein lies the danger with insider attack. That trust can be exploited, that automatic authentication can be used to compromise.

Read more of what Christopher has to say on the insider threat . . . here

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